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Low-T and the Grim Reaper

Symptoms of low-testosterone such as a decreased sex drive, more belly fat and reduced vitality are alarming on their own... but several research studies are linking low testosterone levels with a higher risk of mortality as well.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that older men with low testosterone may die sooner than other men their age who have normal testosterone levels.

Researchers evaluated 794 men between 50 and 91 years old who were followed for an average of 11.6 years. Those with the lowest testosterone levels at the beginning of the study were 40% more likely to die over the course of the study than the men with higher T-levels.

Another study was carried out by researchers at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington at Seattle. This study evaluated 858 males over the age of 40 who were grouped according to their testosterone levels and followed for an average period of 4.3 years.

Men in the low testosterone group had an 88% increased risk of death compared to the group who had normal testosterone levels... even after variables such as age and other illnesses were factored in.

Another study worth mentioning was published in the online journal, Heart. Researchers in this study evaluated 930 men, each diagnosed with coronary artery heart disease.

They were followed for 7 years, during which time the research team took tissue samples from the participants to evaluate both bioavailable testosterone as well as total testosterone.

A total of one in four of the men was found to have low testosterone levels... and 42 % of these men died, or one out of every 5 participants.

Conversely, among those with normal hormone levels, approximately 12% died, which was equivalent to one out of every eight men who participated in the study.

A similar study was led by Dr. Giovanni Corona of the University of Florence in Italy. In this study, researchers evaluated the testosterone levels of 1,687 men who were seeking treatment of erectile dysfunction. There was an average follow up period of 4.3 years.

During that time, 137 of the men had had a heart attack or other major heart problem. 15 of the men died. Dr. Giovanni’s team found that those who had lower levels of testosterone were the most likely to die of heart problems.

The research is a wake-up call for men over the age of 50. Other studies are confirming these findings that having low testosterone not only impacts your every day health, including your heart health, it may shorten your life as well.

On the other hand, having higher levels of testosterone can be protective to the heart, and can lower your risk of other health problems like obesity and blood sugar issues.

Make a point of taking T-Boost, an-all natural supplement that promotes healthy testosterone levels.

Designed to turn on your body’s natural hormone production, T-Boost helps keep your heart healthy and the grim reaper at bay. As it’s been said, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Foods That Can Lower Testosterone Levels

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism suggests that 25% of men over the age of 30 have low testosterone levels, and that one out of every 20 men have clinical symptoms linked to such a deficiency.

The numbers are rising as well. The same study predicts that by the year 2025, there may be as many as 6.5 million American men between the age of 30 and 79 diagnosed with low testosterone, up 38% from year 2000 estimates.(1)

Low testosterone can put a real damper on your life, leading to depression, fatigue, reduced sex drive and much more.

However, what you may not realize is that the food you're eating can be a contributing factor to your "low T". The following two nutrients when consumed excessively, have been found to contribute to low testosterone.

Fiber — Fiber helps keeps your bowels healthy, regulates blood glucose levels, allows you to get maximum nutrition from the foods you eat and much more.

However, two different studies published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism and the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry have both linked a low fat/high fiber diet with reduced testosterone levels. (2) (3) Keeping your fiber consumption under control can help keep your testosterone levels from decreasing.

Isoflavones — Isoflavones are a group of health-boosting phytonutrients found predominantly in soybeans and soy-based products. They act as antioxidants in your body, boost your blood, help protect against cancer and more.

Nonetheless, a study published in Nutrition and Cancer found that eating isoflavones can also lower your testosterone levels. (4) To help keep your testosterone levels from decreasing, it's best to consume isoflavones in moderation.

Eat Less of These Foods

Fruits, vegetables and whole grain products all contain high levels of fiber, while soy-based products are rich in isoflavones. However, the four foods listed below contain extremely high levels of these potentially testosterone-lowering nutrients:

Bran Flakes — Bran flakes are a nutritious breakfast cereal. However, if you’re trying to reduce your fiber intake, they’re not the best choice, with a 30g serving packing 5g of fiber.

Navy Beans — Navy beans are a top quality protein source and go great with salads and hot meals alike. However, they also pack 19g of fiber per cup, so if you want to keep your testosterone levels high, you'll want to limit your consumption of them.

Soy Beans — Soy beans contain over 25% of the RDA for 13 different health boosting nutrients. However, a single cup of these nutritious beans also packs 10g of fiber and 240mg of isoflavones. Consequently, if you want to maintain healthy testosterone levels, consider limiting the amount of soy products you eat.

Whole Wheat Bread — Generally speaking whole wheat bread is better for you than most other types of bread on the market. However, due to its fiber content (3g of fiber per slice), it’s something you may want to skip if you’re trying to boost your testosterone levels.

If you’re eating large amounts of the foods listed above, and you have low testosterone, they could be a contributing factor. Consider cutting back on these foods while you work on normalizing your testosterone levels.

Also, don't forget to take T-Boost every day as well. The clinically tested ingredients in T-Boost have been carefully chosen to help improve testosterone levels, keep your sex-drive alive, promote strong muscles and bones, and keep your heart and body healthy. Don't let your supply run out.


Are You Getting Enough ZZZs?

Researchers Find Link Between Sleep and Testosterone Levels

Sleep disorders affect millions of senior citizens. Lack of sleep can make the treatment of age-related health issues such as arthritis and heart disease more difficult.

In a study presented at the American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, researchers from the Mayo Clinic found that sleep problems among the elderly are prevalent.

The researchers worked with 892 elderly participants, age 70-89, and found that 59% had a sleep disorder other than insomnia. 32% of the participants had sleep-related leg cramps.(1)

What's more, a National Sleep Foundation (NSF) survey found that poor sleep among the elderly often goes unnoticed by the medical community. Of the 67% who reported frequent sleep problems, only one in eight said their sleep problems were diagnosed.(2)

"In spite of the emerging science linking sleep and health, only a small fraction of the many reported sleep complaints of older adults are actually diagnosed and treated," says NSF President, James K. Walsh, PhD.

Two recent studies are finding that lack of sleep and poor quality sleep is linked to low testosterone as well, reinforcing the importance of getting a good night's sleep.

In the first of the two studies, researcher Zoran Sekerovic, a graduate student from the University of Montreal, looked at whether sleep quality and low testosterone in men over 50 are linked. His findings were presented at the annual conference of the Association Francophone Pour le Savoir (ACFAS).(3)

Specifically, Sekerovic discovered a link between testosterone levels in men over 50 and the quality of their deep sleep, considered Phases III and IV of the sleep cycle. This is important, because as Sekerovic says, "Deep sleep is when the recuperation of body and mind is optimal."

To put this in perspective, deep sleep represents 10 to 20 percent of total sleep in young men, whereas by age 50, it decreases to five to seven percent. It can disappear completely for men over 60.

Sekerovic suggests decreasing testosterone levels are what impact sleep, and not the other way around.

The Sleep-Testosterone Connection Begins Early

The second study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found that lack of sleep significantly lowers a younger man's testosterone levels. (4) So much so that skipping sleep reduces a young man's testosterone levels by the same amount as aging 10 to 15 years.

Ten young men, with an average age of 24 years old, were chosen for the study. They had to pass a variety of tests to screen for endocrine or psychiatric disorders and sleep problems in advance.

During the study, each of the participants spent three nights in the lab sleeping for up to ten hours, followed by eight nights sleeping less than five hours. Researchers could tell after just a single week that sleep loss was linked to lower testosterone levels.

"As research progresses, low sleep duration and poor sleep quality are increasingly recognized as endocrine disruptors," said Eve Van Cauter, PhD and director of the study.

It's clear that getting sufficient sleep is vital to maintaining healthy testosterone levels, whether you're young or old. Shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep each night and stay away from eating late at night or drinking too much caffeine.

Also, remember to take T-Boost every day. It supports your body in making more of its natural supply of testosterone, lifting your energy so that you have more drive... no matter what your age.





Order Today -- T-Boost: Experts Recommend Testosterone for Better Sex, Health, and Vitality

Top 10 Reasons to Have Sex Tonight

When you're in the mood, it's a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune system or maintaining a healthy weight. Yet good sex offers those health benefits and more.

That's a surprise to many people, says Joy Davidson, PhD, a New York psychologist and sex therapist. "Of course, sex is everywhere in the media," she says. "But the idea that we are vital, sexual creatures is still looked at in some cases with disgust or in other cases a bit of embarrassment. So to really take a look at how our sexuality adds to our life and enhances our life and our health, both physical and psychological, is eye-opening for many people." Sex does a body good in a number of ways, according to Davidson and other experts. The benefits aren't just anecdotal or hearsay -- each of these 10 health benefits of sex is backed by scientific scrutiny.

Among the benefits of healthy loving in a relationship:

1. Sex Relieves Stress

A big health benefit of sex is lower blood pressure and overall stress reduction, according to researchers from Scotland who reported their findings in the journal Biological Psychology. They studied 24 women and 22 men who kept records of their sexual activity. Then the researchers subjected them to stressful situations -- such as speaking in public and doing verbal arithmetic -- and noted their blood pressure response to stress.

Those who had intercourse had better responses to stress than those who engaged in other sexual behaviors or abstained.

Another study published in the same journal found that frequent intercourse was associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants. Yet other research found a link between partner hugs and lower blood pressure in women.

2. Sex Boosts Immunity

Good sexual health may mean better physical health. Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections. Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, PA, took samples of saliva, which contain IgA, from 112 college students who reported the frequency of sex they had.

Those in the "frequent" group -- once or twice a week -- had higher levels of IgA than those in the other three groups -- who reported being abstinent, having sex less than once a week, or having it very often, three or more times weekly.

3. Sex Burns Calories

Thirty minutes of sex burns 85 calories or more. It may not sound like much, but it adds up: 42 half-hour sessions will burn 3,570 calories, more than enough to lose a pound. Doubling up, you could drop that pound in 21 hour-long sessions. "Sex is a great mode of exercise," says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists. It takes work, from both a physical and psychological perspective, to do it well, she says.

4. Sex Improves Cardiovascular Health

While some older folks may worry that the efforts expended during sex could cause a stroke, that's not so, according to researchers from England. In a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, scientists found frequency of sex was not associated with stroke in the 914 men they followed for 20 years.

And the heart health benefits of sex don't end there. The researchers also found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month.

5. Sex Boosts Self-Esteem

Boosting self-esteem was one of 237 reasons people have sex, collected by University of Texas researchers and published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior.

That finding makes sense to Gina Ogden, PhD, a sex therapist and marriage and family therapist in Cambridge, Mass., although she finds that those who already have self-esteem say they sometimes have sex to feel even better. "One of the reasons people say they have sex is to feel good about themselves," she tells WebMD. "Great sex begins with self-esteem, and it raises it. If the sex is loving, connected, and what you want, it raises it."

6. Sex Improves Intimacy

Having sex and orgasms increases levels of the hormone oxytocin, the so-called love hormone, which helps us bond and build trust. Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and the University of North Carolina evaluated 59 premenopausal women before and after warm contact with their husbands and partners ending with hugs. Tey found that the more contact, the higher the oxytocin levels.

"Oxytocin allows us to feel the urge to nurture and to bond," Britton says. Higher oxytocin has also been linked with a feeling of generosity. So if you're feeling suddenly more generous toward your partner than usual, credit the love hormone.

7. Sex Reduces Pain

As the hormone oxytocin surges, endorphins increase, and pain declines. So if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.

In a study published in the Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 48 volunteers who inhaled oxytocin vapor and then had their fingers pricked lowered their pain threshold by more than half.

8. Sex Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

Frequent ejaculations, especially in 20-something men, may reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life, Australian researchers reported in the British Journal of Urology International. When they followed men diagnosed with prostate cancer and those without, they found no association of prostate cancer with the number of sexual partners as the men reached their 30s, 40s, and 50s. But they found men who had five or more ejaculations weekly while in their 20s reduced their risk of getting prostate cancer later by a third.

Another study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that frequent ejaculations, 21 or more a month, were linked to lower prostate cancer risk in older men, as well, compared with less frequent ejaculations of four to seven monthly.

9. Sex Strengthens Pelvic Floor Muscles

For women, doing a few pelvic floor muscle exercises known as Kegels during sex offers a couple of benefits. You will enjoy more pleasure, and you'll also strengthen the area and help to minimize the risk of incontinence later in life. To do a basic Kegel exercise, tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor, as if you're trying to stop the flow of urine. Count to three, then release.

10. Sex Helps You Sleep Better

The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research. And getting enough sleep has been linked with a host of other good things, such as maintaining a healthy weight and blood pressure. Something to think about, especially if you've been wondering why your guy can be active one minute and snoring the next.

7 Myths (and Outright Lies) About Male Hormones

1. Outright Lie: DHEA is a dangerous “anabolic steroid drug.”

In 2007, a campaign of lies about DHEA was spread in the halls of Congress. Printed material distributed by lobbyists for Big Pharma claimed that DHEA was a dangerous “anabolic steroid drug” and a law was introduced that would make DHEA available by prescription only. Fortunately, due to the activism of many Americans for freedom to take dietary supplements, the law failed to pass.[i]

The claims were scientifically false and intentional lies. According to the conservative Council for Responsible Nutrition, “The proposition that DHEA is any way comparable to illegal anabolic steroids is invalid and unfounded.”

They continued: “DHEA is not an anabolic steroid, its use is not associated with the anabolic and side effects that accompany anabolic steroid abuse, and the potential for DHEA abuse by athletes is remote.” [ii]

The question is, why is Big Pharma so threatened by DHEA that it would go to all this trouble and expense to try to outlaw it? No one really knows. But could it be that taking DHEA helps men stay so young, healthy, sexy and yes, even better looking that it threatens the profits of the “sickness industry?”

The TRUTH is that DHEA is not a dangerous steroid and can help many men stay active and virile as they age.

2. Outright Lie: A natural DHEA pill doesn’t work to boost male hormone levels in the body.

You may have seen headlines that “dietary supplements don’t work.” It’s a flat out lie about DHEA.

A study of DHEA conducted by 23 leading researchers at the most prestigious hospitals and research centers in France revealed that levels of DHEA-S and other male hormones skyrocketed in older and younger men taking 50 mg a day of DHEA compared to men taking a placebo “sugar pill.” (DHEA-S is the sulfated form of DHEA and is chemically similar.)[iii]

DHEA-S and Other Male Sex Hormones Skyrocket in Men Taking 50 mg a Day of DHEA for 6 Months

Scientists say, “Youthful Levels of Hormones RESTORED!”

Men under 70 – DHEA-S More than triples

(All measurements nmol/L.)

DHEA supplement group — Levels went from 2.90 to 10.4 – Sky rocket!

Placebo group — Levels went from 2.65 to 1.81 – Dropped like a rock.

Men over 70 – DHEA-S Increases more than 4 times

DHEA supplement group – Levels went from 2.44 to 10.3— Moon shot!

Placebo group — 2.14 to 1.44 – Dropped off a cliff.

Other male hormones also increased. ADG, a hormone that turns into testosterone, more than doubled. The placebo groups stayed about the same.

A 2004 Italian study found that taking 25 mg a day of DHEA significantly increased levels of DHEA, DHEAS, total and free testosterone, adrostenedione plus other hormones.[iv]

The TRUTH is that taking a supplement of DHEA is an economical and safe way to boost testosterone and other male sex hormones.

3. Outright Lie: Viagra and other Pharma erectile drugs are the only solution to erectile problems.

Doctors have been told by Big Pharma that their expensive drugs are the only solution to erectile failure. It’s simply not true.

According to one of the world’s leading researchers on testosterone, Dr. A.A.Yassim, restoring normal levels of testosterone is the key to solving erectile failure.

Viagra does not increase testosterone.[v]

Dr. Yassim is one of the researchers who discovered what happens to the penis if testosterone levels get too low. It’s not pretty.

Low testosterone CRUSHES your penis.

Normal levels of testosterone hold the cells, tissues and fibers of your penis together so you can keep an erection and have a healthy sex life.

Low testosterone causes the cells, tissue and nerves to disintegrate leading to floppiness and membranes that fail to hold blood in place in the penis. Low testosterone literally crushes the cells and nerves.[vi]

In a study of lab animals (rats), penile membranes of rats with normal testosterone were “very rich, arranged regularly, and undulate.” These rats had normal erections.

Rats with no testosterone had thin and stiff fibers and tissues and no erections. [vii]

The TRUTH is that the health of men’s penises requires testosterone – and Viagra won’t help that.

4. Myth: Boosting testosterone raises your risk of prostate cancer.


Fortunately, leading medical journals like The New England Journal of Medicine and European Urology, among others, have destroyed this myth.

The NEJM reviewed 72 published studies and found no compelling evidence that replacing testosterone increases prostate cancer.[viii]

European Urology stated that there is no scientific basis to the commonly held belief that testosterone stimulates prostate cancer.[ix]

Many doctors, however, are still not up to date on the latest medical literature. The fact is, boosting testosterone is essential for many men’s health.

Testosterone improves:[x]

  • Sexual penetration
  • Erections
  • Sexual desire
  • More muscle and less fat
  • Stronger bone density
  • Physical strength
  • Mood
  • Energy
  • Longevity

Low levels of testosterone are associated with[xi]

  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Insulin resistance
  • Obesity – especially belly fat

The doctors who promoted this myth were wrong – dead wrong. Men need healthy levels of testosterone to stay strong, vital, healthy and sexually active.

5. Myth: Taking DHEA won’t help your sex life.

Wanna bet? DHEA is the precursor to testosterone and what happens when you raise testosterone in men with low testosterone?

You get an increase in[xii]

  • Number of successful intercourses
  • Sexual thoughts
  • Sexual motivation
  • Scores of erectile function
  • Overall sexual satisfaction.

Taking a supplement of DHEA is associated with higher levels of energy, well-being, enhanced libido and erectile function. The average dose is 50 mg a day.[xiii]

Now, who wants to take that bet? Anyone? Anyone?

6. Myth: Hormones like DHEA have nothing to do with losing weight and reducing belly fat. The only thing that works is to eat less and exercise more.

One of the cruelest myths for many Americans is that all they have to do to lose weight is eat less and exercise more. Weight loss experts now know that is not accurate. Balanced, healthy hormones are the key to successful weight loss – especially to getting rid of dangerous and ugly belly fat – and keeping it off.

A study in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed that older men and women who took 50 mg a day of DHEA[xiv]

  • Reduced belly fat by 13 square cm compared to placebo group who lost only 3 square cm
  • Reduced “regular” fat under the skin by 13 square cm compared to placebo group who gained 3 square cm of fat

Increasing DHEA is crucial for successful weight loss.

7. Myth: There’s no such thing as an “anti-aging supplement.” Taking DHEA won’t help you look better, feel better and live longer.

I’ll take this bet, too. In fact, I’ll double down on this one! Okay, let’s take these one at a time.

DHEA Helps Men Look Younger

Everyone knows that when you look younger, you feel younger. And one of the keys to looking younger is your skin. If your skin is dull, wrinkled, splotchy and dry you just look older.

The French research study mentioned above found that taking 50 mg of DHEA a day[xv]

  • Increased hydration and normal oil production of skin. When skin is moist with enough natural oil, it plumps up and you don’t look like a dried, wrinkled prune. Plus, DHEA improved skin roughness. Nice smooth skin is a sign of youthfulness.
  • Decreased “age spots” on the face and trended to a rejuvenation of skin color.
  • Improved the skin texture on the back of the hands. Skin on the hand got thicker. The thinning of the skin caused by age was reduced by 18% at six months. The placebo group saw the skin on the back of their hands significantly “withering away” at six months.

The researchers concluded that taking 50 mg of DHEA a day resulted in improvement of the skin which can help men look younger and feel younger.

Plus, the JAMA study above revealed that 50 mg of DHEA daily helped older men lose weight, especially belly fat. Taking DHEA helps you get slimmer and more attractive.

[i]Faloon W. Congress seeks to ban DHEA. Life Extension Magazine. June 2007.


[ii] Shao A. DHEA: The Basic Facts: Backgrounder. Council for Responsible Nutrition.


[iii] Baulieu E, et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate, and aging: contribution of the DHEAge Study to a sociobiomedical issue. PNAS. 200 Apr 11;97(8):4279-84.


[iv] Genazzani AR, et al. Long-term low-dose DHEA replacement therapy in aging males with partial androgen deficiency. Aging Male. 2004 Jun;7(2):133-43.


[v] Yassin AA, Saad F. Testosterone and erectile dysfunction. J Androl. 2008 Nov-Dec;29(6):593-604.


[vi] Yassin AA, Saad F. Testosterone and erectile dysfunction. J Androl. 2008 Nov-Dec;29(6):593-604.


[vii] Shen ZJ, et al. Effect of androgen deprivation on penile ultrastructure. Asian J Androl. 2003; 5(1): 33-36.


[viii] Morgentaler A, et al. N Engl J Med. 2004. Jan 29


[ix] European Urology, April 8, 2009.


[x] Yassin AA, Saad F. Testosterone and erectile dysfunction. J Androl. 2008 Nov-Dec;29(6):593-604.


[xi] Traish AM, et al. The dark side of testosterone deficiency: type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. J Andrology. 2008 Sep 4.


[xii] Isidori AM, et al. Effect of testosterone on sexual function in men: results of meta-analysis. Clin Endocrinol. (Oxf). 2005;63:239-243.


[xiii] Buhner S. The natural testosterone plan. Healing Arts Press. Rochester, VT. 2007.


[xiv] Villareal DT, et al. Effect of DHEA on abdominal fat and insulin action in elderly women and men: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2004 Nov 10;292(18):2243-8.


[xv] Baulieu E, et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate, and aging: contribution of the DHEAge Study to a sociobiomedical issue. PNAS. 200 Apr 11;97(8):4279-84.

Order Today -- T-Boost: Experts Recommend Testosterone for Better Sex, Health, and Vitality

10 Tips for Everlasting Energy

The following proven tips will help jump start your day and allow you to feel energized!

Get an Early Start

Individuals who get an early start by leaving the comforts of their bed by 7 a.m. will have a greater attention span throughout the day. An added bonus is that most of those early birds also experienced a happier and healthier outlook on life. Waking up early provides a person with the chance to sleep more sound at night as opposed to their night owl counterparts. Since society is on a nine-to-five schedule, early risers will find their internal alarm clocks to be more in sync.

You can engage a few tricks if getting out of bed early is not your thing. To snap yourself out of a night of slumber, you can try putting your alarm clock at the farthest part of your room. Your body will find it difficult to go back to bed once you’ve gotten up. You can also start your morning with a quick shower, brisk run or by drinking a refreshing glass of water.

Speed Up Your Metabolism with Sex

Getting frisky in the morning with sex can help release pent up tension. It can also speed up your metabolism and start your day off with an energized punch. Physical interaction in the early morning hours stimulates the body’s production of cortisol. For people who have obtained a good night’s sleep, higher levels of cortisol can contribute to their overall well-being and heightened energy levels. A great bout of sex can also increase a person’s endorphins. This will leave you with a skip in your step as you head off to work.

Replace Your Morning Cup of Java with Water

While a tall latte can sharpen your mental alertness, too much of a good thing can have the opposite effect. Drinking a cup of Joe can give you a much needed burst of energy. However, your body could experience quite the crash later in the day. Instead of becoming dependent on your morning java run, you can replace your mug of coffee with cold glasses of water. You can also be kind to the environment by ditching your plastic versions in favor of a stylish water bottle. Try to replenish your water a minimum of three to five times throughout the day.

If your body is still craving that cup of java to get you going, you can try to postpone your mug of coffee to later in the morning. Since most cortisol levels begin their decline between the hours of 9:00 and 11:30 a.m., the stimulant in coffee will be most effective.

Add a Meal to Your Day

The body requires food throughout the day and going for long periods of time in between can cause a reduction in energy. Low blood sugar caused by a lack of food can also make it difficult to focus. Replacing your morning and afternoon snack breaks with an extra meal can keep you fully functioning. They should also be spaced approximately four hours apart. Depending on your activity level, your meals should be between 400 and 600 calories.

To get the most out of your meals, try combining complex carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fat. Menus options could include mixed greens, grilled chicken and an oil and vinegar based salad dressing and whole-grain toast with peanut butter and sliced banana.

Get Down with a Healthy Dosage of Vitamin D

Individuals who fail to consume the required amount of vitamin D can experience bone and muscle weakness, chronic fatigue and mental impairment. While the recommended daily intake is 600 IUs, most women average their daily intake around 276 IUs. The vitamin D deficiencies are most common in the winter months when the exposure to the sun’s light is more limited.

Fatty fish, fortified orange juice and non-fat milk are excellent sources, but you may need an additional daily supplement, especially when the sun is at its most limited levels. If you’re struggling with fatigue, you can also have your physician test your levels during your annual check-up.

Make a Commitment to Exercise

If you’re looking to recharge your batteries, a good workout is just what the doctor ordered. Unfortunately, convincing your body that it’s in need of exercise can be a difficult process. Strong motivators such as reminding yourself of how good you’ll feel afterward can help jumpstart your workout.

To lessen the levels of fatigue and improve your performance during your workout sessions, try scheduling your activity the same time each day. While any exercise and movement is great for your health and wellness, people who exercised early in the morning had the most effective boosts of energy after its completion.

Shake Up Your Routine

Whether you’re changing your route into work or you want to try a different workout, exposing your body to new experiences can increase your feel-good hormones. While you don’t have to make drastic changes such as scouring mountain tops or changing careers, you can open your normal routine up to new experiences.

Get Moving

Simple things around your home such as your comfy bed, chair and car can be stealing your energy levels. People who sit for long periods of time may find themselves more physically and mentally drained. It also raises your chances for illnesses and diseases, even if you get sufficient exercise each day.

You can prevent being chained to your desk by scheduling five minute bursts that allow your heart rate to get pumping and elevated. A simple run up and down the stairs, walk around the office building or session of group office jumping jacks can pump your blood. In addition to helping you stay more alert and focused, the brief bursts of activity could also contribute to weight loss.

Add Some Melody and Base

Music that is upbeat can be more inspiring than a good workout. The body is hardwired to subliminally tailor the body’s rhythm to rival what we are exposed to. If you find yourself tired and nodding off, you can select a song on your headphones that gets you moving.

If you’re at the gym, try selecting something with 140 beats per minute to get your body pumped and energized. If your gym mates don’t mind, you can even sing or hum along to the tunes. Individuals who incorporated music into their exercise routine also found it to be easier to do.

Steer Clear of Negative “Nancy’s”

Whether it’s the co-worker who seeks drama or the gym buddy who wants constant advice on their latest conquests, you need to avoid people who try to bring you down with their own problems. Listening to someone else’s hardships takes time. It can also be exhaustive to be the problem-solver.

While you don’t want to cut these people out of your life completely, you need to set some boundaries. Give them 10 minutes of your time to tell a condensed version of their story. Be brief and to the point in your response and move on. This allows you to help them out and retain your positive mental outlook on life.

14 Habits of Happy Men

Satisfying routines and activities to help achieve happiness and health.

A man’s happiness isn’t all about a cold beer and grilling, but it is close. Our poll took a look at a diverse group of men that included musicians, chefs, stock brokers, grand dads, lawyers and bottle washers and came up with the following list of activities and satisfying routines that help men achieve health and happiness.

A.M. Workout

Several of the men surveyed found they favored an early morning work that included playing tennis, running, walking or an indoor workout. They found that it set up the rest of their day both mentally and physically. Fitness experts have praised the many benefits of exercising in the morning and believe that it contributes to a boost in energy and a positive mood throughout the day. Most men that work out in the morning found it easier to stay with an exercise program too.

Making Room for Alone Time

Finding time to spend with family and friends is extremely important in order to achieve happiness. However, making room for alone time is also a necessity among men. It can be as simple as reading the Sunday newspaper with a cup of coffee before the family gets up or watching a favorite T.V. show alone. Some men surveyed chose to do something creative or educational while others wanted to vegetate and shut off their brain for few moments. Most chose mornings as their preferred time of day, although there were a few night owls in the group too.

Bonding with the Guys

Male camaraderie is especially important in the group of men that was polled. Bonding with the guys over hot wings and a cold beer evokes feelings of happiness and contributes to numerous health benefits. Research has shown that forming new friendships and reinforcing old ones over a game of pool or at a favorite sporting venue is good for your psychological welfare and longevity.

Date Night

It doesn’t always come up in conversation on nights out with the guys, but men can be protective about making time to spend with their significant other. Busy dads with a myriad of activities at work and home know the importance of date nights to help stay connected to their loved one. Couples committed to spending alone time together away from children and other household obligations seem to argue less and have better problem-solving skills when tensions arise at home.

Sports and Leisure

Men reap just as many benefits as children do with regular softball, hockey and baseball games. Some of the benefits include social interaction, mental sharpness and keeping on top of their physical skills. Experts on the subject note that healthy adult competition can play an important role in men’s lives and make them happier and more productive throughout their busy day.


Self-help books and seminars can provide you with the tools to effectively manage your time and organize your daily tasks. Fortunately, you don’t need someone to tell you that in order to achieve peace of mind; you need to tackle the chaos. An excellent way to organize your life starts with a calendar. Write down where you need to be and the jobs that need to get accomplished. Cross off each of the items on your list as you finish them.

Implement an Exercise Regimen

Implementing a regular exercise regimen can invoke feels of accomplishment and satisfaction in men. Some of the guys polled favored a vigorous run, weight lifting workout, an early morning swim and biking to work. A normal exercise routine can promote numerous health benefits such as improving sexual performance, combating diseases, controlling weight and mood boosting properties. The Surgeon General reported the coalition between a sedentary lifestyle and heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and stroke.

Giving Back

Feelings of happiness also included giving back to others. Men in our survey felt that volunteering, giving to charity or doing something nice stayed with them for the entire day and made them feel better about themselves. Getting a thank you lets them know that their work was appreciated and brings fulfillment to their lives.

Decadent Fare

Dieting and watching what you eat is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, but the occasional decadent meal such as a juicy steak, comforting bowl of pasta or pancakes and syrup evoke happiness in every man. Enjoying a big meal or tasty snack in moderation is deserving of every male, especially after a brutal day at the office.

Relaxing with Family

Whether it’s enjoying a favorite T.V. show, board game or making pizza together, relaxing with the family helps keep men happy. This not only opens up the lines of communication with your children and spouse, it provides an opportunity to do something fun together. This is also beneficial to your children and gives them the tools to grow up to be responsible and confident young adults.

The Company of Family and Friends

A meal shared with family, friends and loved ones tantalizes a man’s senses and sends signals of enjoyment to the male brain. Simple pleasures such as sitting around the table conversing, sharing a glass of wine, and indulging on good food defines serenity for many in our poll.

Musical Entertainment

Musicians and novices felt that sitting down at the piano or playing the guitar relieved tension and melted away stress caused by a chaotic day. Other creative activities such as woodworking, painting and working on cars tapped into a different side of their mind and brought men fulfillment as much as playing an instrument did.

Quality Time with the Kids

One of the leading sources of happiness among fathers surveyed included time with their children. It could be because men are just overgrown kids or they enjoy feeling the strains of youth again, many found that they wanted to catch whatever moment of alone time they could with their kids. Time spent on the drive to practice, waiting for the school bus or a nighttime chat before bed was precious to each of them.

Outdoor Walk

An invigorating walk outside can reduce stress, anxiety, tiredness and depression. Not only is it a great way to stay in shape and get your heart pumping, it can also be beneficial to your mind and spirituality. Whether you walk around the neighborhood or find a scenic spot along a local nature trail, getting outside for a minimum of 30 to 45 minutes each day can be peaceful and help relieve stress. Walking is also easy on the joints and can help those suffering from arthritis.

3 New Fat-Busting Supplements for Speedy Weight Loss

When you thought there couldn’t be more to say about weight loss supplements, researchers come out with some new information. By combining plant-derived compounds and methods of experimenting to boost their effectiveness, three new supplements can be added to the weight loss list.

1. Resveratrol: Boost Your Metabolism

Resveratrol was once praised for its anti-aging powers by extending the lifespan of mice, but it has since lost some of its magic. Taken from the skin of grapes and red wine, the extract had shown potential in reducing health issues such as cardiovascular disease.

As researchers began to give up on resveratrol, they found that it had great potential to aid in weight loss. Based on a study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, men who consumed a daily dose of 150 mg experienced low blood sugar, reduced levels of blood pressure and a decrease in liver fat over a 30 day period. A study taken the previous year focused on mouse lemurs. With the use of resveratrol, the primates were able to control their body mass. Lemurs typically gain weight over the course of the winter, and they were shown to have less of an appetite and eat less when their food was supplemented with resveratrol. Because the temperature of their body and metabolic resting rates were affected, it was found to be a significant metabolism booster.

Recent published studies have proven the theory on resveratrol anti-aging effects by recognizing the pathway behind the energy production and prolonged lifespan. The company founded to test, study and market resveratrol was recently shut down. However, resveratrol is already showing up in a variety of weight loss supplements on the market.

2. White Kidney Bean Extract: Blocking Starch

White kidney bean extract rose in popularity thanks to Dr. Oz. Scientifically named Phaseolus vulgaris, it’s been praised as a fat blocker by slowing or preventing starch absorption.

Since 2007, the excitement over white kidney bean extract has been significant. Based on a study in the International Journal of Medical Science, individuals who took 445 mg per and were somewhat overweight, found that they were able to shed pounds, even while consuming a diet high in carbohydrates. The extract works by stopping alpha-amylase from breaking down the eaten carbs. Carbs that are normally broken down get absorbed in your body’s system and stored as fat.

Researchers followed 60 moderately overweight individuals for 30 days, while taking the white kidney bean extract. When taken 30 minutes before the consumption of a high carb diet, they noticed a decrease in the individual’s body measurements and BMI. A study in China found similar results, while over 90 percent noticed a weight loss over the course of two months.

3. DHEA: Regulate Hormones

DHEA is produced by the adrenals glands, and it’s found to be a natural steroid hormone. The many benefits include boosting energy levels and raising and maintaining the body’s muscle mass. As you age, you’ll notice a significant decrease in DHEA. Researchers wondered if supplementing the body with DHEA could have an effect on the way a body ages. Estrogen and testosterone play a significant role in the sexual hormones throughout the aging process and DHEA has been proven to boost the levels significantly.

While DHEA supplementation may come into play in aiding overweight men to lose weight, studies have been unable to replicate the same findings in younger individuals.

The Mayo Clinic summarizes the DHEA research by admitting that further research is needed on the subject before confirming any weight loss results. Other studies have recommended the energy boosting properties of DHEA as a cure of adrenal fatigue and lupus.

For those interested in learning the pros and cons of DHEA, you can check out the comprehensive analysis from the University of Maryland. Women should take 25 mg and men 50 mg. Because the DHEA supplement needs to be chemically synthesized, you won’t be able to enjoy the same results by consuming wild yams or soy.

Potential side effects could affect individuals who take a higher than recommended dosage and women may experience oily skin, acne and facial hair growth. Women under the age of 40 should still be producing enough DHEA naturally and should not take the supplement.

Three Super Foods to Boost that Libido

There’s no great mystery involved that by eating a healthy diet you’ll be in top shape. You may even find yourself performing at peak levels……in bed! With the following three super foods added to your daily diet, you may experience your heart pumping faster, blood racing to all the right extremities and an extra helping of yum.

Scallops are full of zinc. Zinc is necessary in both men and women to retain a healthy sex drive, fertility, potency and good sexual health that can be enjoyed into your golden years. The mineral is necessary for sperm production and low amounts have been blamed for a decrease in testosterone levels and a reduction in semen production.

Almonds have a host of benefits such as zinc, vitamin E and selenium. All of these trace minerals benefit your sexual health and can contribute to a healthy reproductive system.

Cherries go beyond average and are considered a “super food” packed with antioxidants and melatonin necessary for promoting good sleep cycles. They are also rich in beta carotene and vitamins C, E, magnesium, iron, potassium and folate. Cherries have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce soreness and pain related to a great workout at the gym or in bed.

To achieve optimum performance and a side of zing:

Stay Physical: Staying in shape and keeping active can increase testosterone levels in men and increase self-confidence for everyone.

Little changes mean BIG results: Simple changes such as reducing stress, getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy diet loaded with zinc can reap big results.

The Key is Stamina: If both parties are physically fit and feel attractive, you’re sure to feel confident, exude sex appeal and perform better in between the sheets. Stamina is everything, so get eating!

5 Ways Sex Leads to Better Overall Health

Most standard guides to improving your health will tell you the basics; eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise, drink plenty of water. They’re not quite as likely to tell you to have an active sex life. A recent survey taken by Healthy Women, a nonprofit organization, indicates that a majority of women have sex more because they feel obligated to do it than because they enjoy it. Unfortunately, these women are depriving themselves of the many health benefits sex provides even above and beyond the good feelings of the moment. Here are five examples out of the many health advantages sex can give.

Sex is a good workout. “You can burn anywhere from 85 to 250 calories every time you have sex,” explained Dr. Naomi Greenblatt, medical director of The Rocking Chair, a women’s wellness center in New Jersey. Different positions lead the participants to work different muscle groups. Sex has also been shown to have a cardiovascular benefit; a research study in Ireland discovered that men with active sex lives are 50 percent less likely to die of a cardiac event than their less active counterparts.

Sex can decrease stress levels. Dr. Greenblatt pointed out that sex causes the body to release endorphins, the hormones responsible for feelings of contentment and well-being. A 2002 study done at the State University of New York at Albany showed that women who have regular sex display fewer signs of depression than women who do not; furthermore, women who have regular unprotected sex showed fewer indications of depression than women who have regular protected sex. This study is consistent with other research indicating that sex is a mood-booster on its own and that the compounds in semen may also have mood lifting capabilities.

Sex can help with pain relief. According to Dr. Greenblatt, people on the verge of orgasm have five times more oxytocin in their bodies than they would ordinarily have. Oxytocin is known to relieve many sorts of pain, from arthritis to menstrual cramping.

Sex can boost your immune system. “People who have sex also tend to have higher levels of immunoglobulin A,” explains Dr. Greenblatt. Immunoglobulin A is an antibody produced by the body to protect the mucus membranes from infection by germs.

Sex can help maintain a youthful appearance. Scottish researchers designed a study which consisted of a panel of viewers looking at various women through a one-way mirror and attempting to guess the women’s ages. The women who were judged to be seven to 12 years younger than their true age turned out to be the ones who had sex most often, as many as four times per week. Dr. Greenblatt says sex can also elevate the body’s production of estrogen and vitamin D, which help keep skin and hair healthy.

Researchers do point out that the strong correlations between frequent sex and well-being do not necessarily mean that sex is the cause of good health. It may instead mean that people with better health are more interested in sexual activity. Even so, no evidence shows that sex is bad for the general population, so most people have nothing to lose by increasing the frequency of their sexual activity

7 Health Risks for Middle Aged Men

The most common causes of death for men of middle age and older are all the usual suspects--cancer, stroke, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, respiratory disease, injuries, and suicide. Fortunately, some minor changes to bad habits can reduce the chances of dying of one of these perils.

Sun Overexposure

Men are two times more likely than women to develop fatal skin cancer. 60% of the cases of the deadliest skin cancer, melanoma, are found in white males of age 50 and older. Unfortunately, less than half of adult men protect themselves with shade, sunscreen, or protective clothing, as opposed to 65% of adult women.

Nor are men overexposed to sun likely to have their skin tumors found and treated early; a 2001 Academy of American Dermatology study found that men middle aged and above are less likely than other demographics to see a dermatologist or examine their own skin for signs of tumors. Men over 65, however, have a higher chance of having skin tumors found by a physician, possibly because older people have more medical appointments in general.

Excess Time Sitting Down with Electronics

Psychologists have not yet worked out whether Internet addiction is a valid diagnosis, but it is true that time which could be devoted to healthy activities like social interaction, walking, and other forms of exercise is instead being spent staring at computer monitors, laptops, smartphones, televisions, and video games. Physical social isolation has been linked to an increase in the risk for depression and dementia.

A 2011 study in JAMA found that on average, Americans spend five hours watching television each day, and that doesn’t account for time spent seated at computers. Extended sitting over a long period is associated with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. In fact, a 2012 Australian study found that adults 45 and older who spent 11 hours or more per day seated had a 40% increase in their risk of death.


In 2009, 79% of all suicides were men. Men over age 65 commit suicide seven times more frequently than do women in the same age group. Social isolation, common in the elderly, is often a key cause.

More than 60% of people who commit suicide have major depression. Men tend to equate depression with ordinary sadness or grief, so they fail to recognize the warning signs such as fatigue, trouble concentrating or thinking clearly, agitation, and changes in sleep patterns.

The National Institute of Mental Health has found that depression can be successfully treated no matter the age of the patient.

Being Single

Many studies have shown that married men, particularly of middle age, are healthier than their unmarried peers. One theory is that marriage tends to increase a man’s overall social circle, which decreases stress and depression which can cause chronic ailments.

Unmarried men may also have less healthy habits than married men, such as poor eating and rare medical checkups.

However, men who marry after age 25 tend to have better health than those who marry at a younger age, and staying in a strained marriage actually causes poorer overall health than does singlehood.

Poor Diet

Men on the younger side of middle age are likely to eat an excess of junk food and red meat, which leads to common ailments like high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Older men may fail to prepare adequate meals for themselves and wind up suffering malnutrition.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found in 2010 that 35.5% of men are obese, compared to 27.5% in 2000.


The negative effects of smoking tend to be worse in older people. They are likely to be heavier smokers and to have smoked for longer, which means their lungs have sustained more damage. 90% of all cases of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder, the fourth leading cause of death in men, are caused by smoking, as are 80 to 90% of lung cancer cases. Men over 65 who smoke double their chances of fatal stroke.

Quitting shows immediate results, no matter the person’s age. The risks of lung disease, stroke, and cancer drop immediately, and the risk of heart disease is cut in half after only one year.

Driving Errors

Males in their 50s and 60s are twice as likely to die in car accidents as their female peers. Injuries, including car accidents, are the leading cause of death for men in the 40 to 44 age group, third most common cause in men aged 45 to 64, and eighth most common in men 65 and older.

The car accident causes tend to be avoidable, such as running red lights and stop signs, driving over the speed limit, and falling asleep at the wheel.

7 Myths (and Outright Lies) About Male Hormones

1. Outright Lie: DHEA is a dangerous “anabolic steroid drug.”

In 2007, a campaign of lies about DHEA was spread in the halls of Congress. Printed material distributed by lobbyists for Big Pharma claimed that DHEA was a dangerous “anabolic steroid drug” and a law was introduced that would make DHEA available by prescription only. Fortunately, due to the activism of many Americans for freedom to take dietary supplements, the law failed to pass.[i]

The claims were scientifically false and intentional lies. According to the conservative Council for Responsible Nutrition, “The proposition that DHEA is any way comparable to illegal anabolic steroids is invalid and unfounded.”

They continued: “DHEA is not an anabolic steroid, its use is not associated with the anabolic and side effects that accompany anabolic steroid abuse, and the potential for DHEA abuse by athletes is remote.” [ii]

The question is, why is Big Pharma so threatened by DHEA that it would go to all this trouble and expense to try to outlaw it? No one really knows. But could it be that taking DHEA helps men stay so young, healthy, sexy and yes, even better looking that it threatens the profits of the “sickness industry?”

The TRUTH is that DHEA is not a dangerous steroid and can help many men stay active and virile as they age.

2. Outright Lie: A natural DHEA pill doesn’t work to boost male hormone levels in the body.

You may have seen headlines that “dietary supplements don’t work.” It’s a flat out lie about DHEA.

A study of DHEA conducted by 23 leading researchers at the most prestigious hospitals and research centers in France revealed that levels of DHEA-S and other male hormones skyrocketed in older and younger men taking 50 mg a day of DHEA compared to men taking a placebo “sugar pill.” (DHEA-S is the sulfated form of DHEA and is chemically similar.)[iii]

DHEA-S and Other Male Sex Hormones Skyrocket in Men Taking 50 mg a Day of DHEA for 6 Months

Scientists say, “Youthful Levels of Hormones RESTORED!”

Men under 70 – DHEA-S More than triples

(All measurements nmol/L.)

DHEA supplement group — Levels went from 2.90 to 10.4 – Sky rocket!

Placebo group — Levels went from 2.65 to 1.81 – Dropped like a rock.

Men over 70 – DHEA-S Increases more than 4 times

DHEA supplement group – Levels went from 2.44 to 10.3— Moon shot!

Placebo group — 2.14 to 1.44 – Dropped off a cliff.

Other male hormones also increased. ADG, a hormone that turns into testosterone, more than doubled. The placebo groups stayed about the same.

A 2004 Italian study found that taking 25 mg a day of DHEA significantly increased levels of DHEA, DHEAS, total and free testosterone, adrostenedione plus other hormones.[iv]

The TRUTH is that taking a supplement of DHEA is an economical and safe way to boost testosterone and other male sex hormones.

3. Outright Lie: Viagra and other Pharma erectile drugs are the only solution to erectile problems.

Doctors have been told by Big Pharma that their expensive drugs are the only solution to erectile failure. It’s simply not true.

According to one of the world’s leading researchers on testosterone, Dr. A.A.Yassim, restoring normal levels of testosterone is the key to solving erectile failure.

Viagra does not increase testosterone.[v]

Dr. Yassim is one of the researchers who discovered what happens to the penis if testosterone levels get too low. It’s not pretty.

Low testosterone CRUSHES your penis.

Normal levels of testosterone hold the cells, tissues and fibers of your penis together so you can keep an erection and have a healthy sex life.

Low testosterone causes the cells, tissue and nerves to disintegrate leading to floppiness and membranes that fail to hold blood in place in the penis. Low testosterone literally crushes the cells and nerves.[vi]

In a study of lab animals (rats), penile membranes of rats with normal testosterone were “very rich, arranged regularly, and undulate.” These rats had normal erections.

Rats with no testosterone had thin and stiff fibers and tissues and no erections. [vii]

The TRUTH is that the health of men’s penises requires testosterone – and Viagra won’t help that.

4. Myth: Boosting testosterone raises your risk of prostate cancer.


Fortunately, leading medical journals like The New England Journal of Medicine and European Urology, among others, have destroyed this myth.

The NEJM reviewed 72 published studies and found no compelling evidence that replacing testosterone increases prostate cancer.[viii]

European Urology stated that there is no scientific basis to the commonly held belief that testosterone stimulates prostate cancer.[ix]

Many doctors, however, are still not up to date on the latest medical literature. The fact is, boosting testosterone is essential for many men’s health.

Testosterone improves:[x]

  • Sexual penetration
  • Erections
  • Sexual desire
  • More muscle and less fat
  • Stronger bone density
  • Physical strength
  • Mood
  • Energy
  • Longevity

Low levels of testosterone are associated with[xi]

  • Heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Insulin resistance
  • Obesity – especially belly fat

The doctors who promoted this myth were wrong – dead wrong. Men need healthy levels of testosterone to stay strong, vital, healthy and sexually active.

5. Myth: Taking DHEA won’t help your sex life.

Wanna bet? DHEA is the precursor to testosterone and what happens when you raise testosterone in men with low testosterone?

You get an increase in[xii]

  • Number of successful intercourses
  • Sexual thoughts
  • Sexual motivation
  • Scores of erectile function
  • Overall sexual satisfaction.

Taking a supplement of DHEA is associated with higher levels of energy, well-being, enhanced libido and erectile function. The average dose is 50 mg a day.[xiii]

Now, who wants to take that bet? Anyone? Anyone?

6. Myth: Hormones like DHEA have nothing to do with losing weight and reducing belly fat. The only thing that works is to eat less and exercise more.

One of the cruelest myths for many Americans is that all they have to do to lose weight is eat less and exercise more. Weight loss experts now know that is not accurate. Balanced, healthy hormones are the key to successful weight loss – especially to getting rid of dangerous and ugly belly fat – and keeping it off.

A study in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) revealed that older men and women who took 50 mg a day of DHEA[xiv]

  • Reduced belly fat by 13 square cm compared to placebo group who lost only 3 square cm
  • Reduced “regular” fat under the skin by 13 square cm compared to placebo group who gained 3 square cm of fat

Increasing DHEA is crucial for successful weight loss.

7. Myth: There’s no such thing as an “anti-aging supplement.” Taking DHEA won’t help you look better, feel better and live longer.

I’ll take this bet, too. In fact, I’ll double down on this one! Okay, let’s take these one at a time.

DHEA Helps Men Look Younger

Everyone knows that when you look younger, you feel younger. And one of the keys to looking younger is your skin. If your skin is dull, wrinkled, splotchy and dry you just look older.

The French research study mentioned above found that taking 50 mg of DHEA a day[xv]

  • Increased hydration and normal oil production of skin. When skin is moist with enough natural oil, it plumps up and you don’t look like a dried, wrinkled prune. Plus, DHEA improved skin roughness. Nice smooth skin is a sign of youthfulness.
  • Decreased “age spots” on the face and trended to a rejuvenation of skin color.
  • Improved the skin texture on the back of the hands. Skin on the hand got thicker. The thinning of the skin caused by age was reduced by 18% at six months. The placebo group saw the skin on the back of their hands significantly “withering away” at six months.

The researchers concluded that taking 50 mg of DHEA a day resulted in improvement of the skin which can help men look younger and feel younger.

Plus, the JAMA study above revealed that 50 mg of DHEA daily helped older men lose weight, especially belly fat. Taking DHEA helps you get slimmer and more attractive.

[i]Faloon W. Congress seeks to ban DHEA. Life Extension Magazine. June 2007.


[ii] Shao A. DHEA: The Basic Facts: Backgrounder. Council for Responsible Nutrition.


[iii] Baulieu E, et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate, and aging: contribution of the DHEAge Study to a sociobiomedical issue. PNAS. 200 Apr 11;97(8):4279-84.


[iv] Genazzani AR, et al. Long-term low-dose DHEA replacement therapy in aging males with partial androgen deficiency. Aging Male. 2004 Jun;7(2):133-43.


[v] Yassin AA, Saad F. Testosterone and erectile dysfunction. J Androl. 2008 Nov-Dec;29(6):593-604.


[vi] Yassin AA, Saad F. Testosterone and erectile dysfunction. J Androl. 2008 Nov-Dec;29(6):593-604.


[vii] Shen ZJ, et al. Effect of androgen deprivation on penile ultrastructure. Asian J Androl. 2003; 5(1): 33-36.


[viii] Morgentaler A, et al. N Engl J Med. 2004. Jan 29


[ix] European Urology, April 8, 2009.


[x] Yassin AA, Saad F. Testosterone and erectile dysfunction. J Androl. 2008 Nov-Dec;29(6):593-604.


[xi] Traish AM, et al. The dark side of testosterone deficiency: type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. J Andrology. 2008 Sep 4.


[xii] Isidori AM, et al. Effect of testosterone on sexual function in men: results of meta-analysis. Clin Endocrinol. (Oxf). 2005;63:239-243.


[xiii] Buhner S. The natural testosterone plan. Healing Arts Press. Rochester, VT. 2007.


[xiv] Villareal DT, et al. Effect of DHEA on abdominal fat and insulin action in elderly women and men: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 2004 Nov 10;292(18):2243-8.


[xv] Baulieu E, et al. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate, and aging: contribution of the DHEAge Study to a sociobiomedical issue. PNAS. 200 Apr 11;97(8):4279-84.

The Biggest Scientific Trial on Testosterone has Just Begun.

The National Institute on Aging is financing a huge, 6-year, $45 million clinical trial. It’s now underway and is taking place at 12 designated study sites around the U.S.1

Researchers will be taking at look at how low testosterone may contribute to a number of problems affecting older men, including decreased ability to walk, loss of muscle mass and strength, decreased vitality, decreased sexual function, impaired cognition, cardiovascular disease, and anemia. In a nutshell, they’ll be boosting the testosterone levels of 800 men aged 65 and older to see if their health improves.

1 Cire, B. NIH-supported trial to study testosterone therapy in older men.

Your lifestyle may be ruining your sexual health. 9 preventive steps you need to take now!

1. Win the Battle of the Bulge…Again
What’s wrong with belly fat? It’s your own worst enemy because it’s robbing you of your own testosterone. Abdominal fat actually breaks down testosterone. The solution? Lose the fat, and more testosterone can circulate in your system.

2. One Smoking Gun is Enough
That cigarette you’re smoking after sex is ruining those titanium erections. A major cause of erectile dysfunction is atherosclerosis.1 The fastest way to get this plaque build-up in your arteries is by smoking. Plaque makes it hard for blood to flow through vessels everywhere in your body, including your penis.

3. Body Builder’s Secret
Try beefing up your testosterone levels by doing exercises that train several large muscle groups and not just one or two smaller muscles. For example, do squats instead of bicep curls. Not only do squats increase blood flow in your pelvic region, they raise your testosterone levels.2 More free-flowing testosterone can add up to 15-20% to your UPPER body mass. Don’t over train though, your body and your T-levels need time to recover.

4. Nuts for Your Nuts.
Bad fats, the trans and saturated ones, increase your risk of disease. Good fats, the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats do the opposite, they’re heart healthy and studies have shown can raise testosterone levels. Nuts, olive oil, canola oil and peanut butter are good sources of monounsaturated fat.3 Nuts also contain arginine. This amino acid, also found in beans, cold-water fish (tuna, salmon), soy products, and oats, promotes “nitric-oxide release” which increases blood flow, yes even in your penis, by relaxing blood vessels.

5. Take The Bull By The Horns
….and feel around for hardness or discomfort. If you find something that feels like a knuckle, pay attention. Let your doc have a look. If detected early testicular cancer is treatable and curable.

6. Roasting Your Chestnuts
Sunbathing not only increases your vitamin D levels it also lifts the libido. A 2010 Austrian study, involving 2,289 men, found their testosterone levels were boosted by vitamin D.4 Jessica Harris of Cancer Research UK recommends using a sunscreen so you don’t burn and then you can strike a balance between making enough vitamin D and avoiding a bad sunburn or worse yet skin cancer. To make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D you can eat foods like oily fish such as salmon, trout or mackerel.

“Men who ensure that their body is at least sufficiently supplied with vitamin D
are doing good for their testosterone levels and their libido among other things.” 5

(Ad Brand, Sunlight Research Forum, Netherlands)

7. Celery: Not just for dips anymore.
Forget the aftershave because you can turn your lover on by eating a couple of sticks of celery. It contains androsterone, an odorless hormone released through male perspiration that can sexually arouse women. King Tut had some definite plans for his afterlife; his tomb contained garlands of olive leaves, flowers and bunches of wild celery.6

8. Latest Research on Tears: No Crying Allowed In The Bedroom!
Men who sniffed the “emotional” tears of women experienced reduced self-rated sexual arousal, reduced physiological measures of arousal, and reduced levels of testosterone.7 Researchers also think that men’s tears may also reduce aggression in other men.8

9. No More All-Nighters
Alarming new research from the University of Chicago suggests that sleep loss lowers testosterone. Skipping sleep reduced a young man’s testosterone levels by the same amount as aging 10 to 15 years. “Low testosterone levels are associated with reduced well being and vigour, which may also occur as a consequence of sleep loss”, said Eve Van Cauter, Ph.D, who led the study.9 And if that’s not bad enough, 15 percent of the adult working population in the US gets less than five hours of sleep a night.

1 Harte, C. B. and Meston, C. M. (2011), Association between smoking cessation and sexual health in men. BJU International. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10503.x

2 Schwab, R., Johnson, G. O., Housh, T. J., Kinder, J. E., and Weir, J. P. (1993). Acute effects of different intensities of weight lifting on serum testosterone. Medicine and Science in Sports d Exercise 25: 1381-1385.

3 Volek JS, Kraemer WJ, Bush JA , et al. Testosterone and cortisol in relationship to dietary nutrients and resistance exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology. 82(1): 49-54, 1997 Jan.

4 E. Wehr, S. Pilz, B. O. Boehm, W. März and B. Obermayer-Pietsch. Association of vitamin D status with serum androgen levels in men CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY Volume 73, Issue 2, August 2010, Pages: 243–248, Article first published online : 29 DEC 2009, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2009.03777.x

5 BBC News. Sunbathing ups men’s testosterone. 2Feb2010.

6 HealthDiaries. 25 Facts About Celery. 12 Dec 2007

7 Gelstein S, et al. Human Tears Contain a Chemosignal Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1198331. Published Online Jan 6 2011

8 Belluck P. In Women’s Tears, a Chemical That Says, ‘Not Tonight, Dear’. 6Jan2011. NYTimes.

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Testosterone is a total body hormone

It’s not just for those guys below the belt. It has effects everywhere. It regulates insulin levels, controls your mood, helps reduce body fat, regulates blood flow in your heart and the list goes on and on. If you ask most doctors where testosterone works in the body they would probably say the testes, penis and maybe the brain. But it’s the walls of the coronary arteries that have the most testosterone receptors, next is the brain, then bone, then muscle, and then fat. Testosterone has widespread effects throughout the body. Low T levels can wreak havoc not just “below the belt”.

If you think you may have low T, don’t panic and don’t stop reading.

This information may encourage you to take the first important steps in the fight against low testosterone with a safe effective natural supplement.

Sure, synthetic testosterone is available, but it’s costly and not without some heady side effects. Do you really want to fool around with painful, testosterone injections, messy gels or irritating patches? And why would you want to risk shutting down your own testosterone production when you could take a safe, natural supplement and encourage your body to make more of its own? Homegrown is always the best. Considering [the blue pill]? Think twice before you pop that blue pill, it does nothing to boost your testosterone, it works by increasing blood flow to the penis.1

So if you’re going through “manopause”, consider taking a safe and natural testosterone-boosting formula and Reclaim your life as a man.

1 Webb, D.J.; Freestone, S.; Allen, M.J.; Muirhead, G.J. (March 4, 1999). “Sildenafil citrate and blood-pressure-lowering drugs: results of drug interaction studies with an organic nitrate and a calcium antagonist”. Am. J. Cardiol. 83 (5A): 21C–28C. doi:10.1016/S0002-9149(99)00044-2.PMID 10078539